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Why Heartmath Training?

Want to discuss using Heartmath in Your law firm?

Let's discuss the possibilities...

Why is Heartmath So Powerful for 

Lawyers and Law Firms?

Create a heart-based culture and ignite the intuitive intelligence of your workforce

Heartmath programs have been delivered in hundreds of organizations to thousands of leaders and employees. HeartMath’s science-based approach has transformed organizational cultures, achieving significant improvements in:

-Intuitive decision-making
-Focus and engagement
-Communication and heart connection
-Productivity and innovation

Benefits of Resilience and Heartmath Training in Law Firms:

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  • A strikingly different culture of genuine care: individuals build resilience and respond in new ways to change and emotional challenges with more presence, flow, flexibility and connection.
  • Supports existing initiatives: easily integrated with existing wellness and performance improvement initiatives.
  • Simple, practical, evidence-based tools: to manage the stress response in the moment, and create a collaborative and innovative team environment.
  • Return on investment with measurable outcomes: improvements in communication, teamwork, employee satisfaction, staff retention; reductions in sick time and health care claims costs.

Videos on Heartmath:

The Heart's Intuitive Intelligence:

Why Resilience is So Important:

The Power of the Heart Video.  

FYI- this is NOT Will Ferrell!

Benefits of Heartmath Training


Immediately lower stress hormones


Anti Aging DHEA hormone levels


Your heart rate for max longevity 


Emotional clarity in midst of chaos 


Peak metal/intuitive performance


Stress, anxiety, and overwhelm 


Performance and Resilience 


Overall health and wellness

By the Numbers:


improvement in listening ability *

improvement in the ability to focus*

reduction in intent to
leave the job*

Reduce Stress + Overwhelm


improvement in rapid heartbeats**


drop in anxiety+


improvement in home/work conflict*

 Performance + Resilience


drop in fatigue**


improvement in the ability to focus*


improvement in muscle tension+

* Sustained improvements in 1400 employees at five global companies after 6-12 months following HeartMath training

** Improvements in Physical Stress in over 5500 people in just 6-9 weeks using HeartMath training and technology

+ Improvements in Mental & Emotional Well-Being in over 5500 people in just 6-9 weeks using HeartMath training and technology

HeartMath is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc.
For all other HeartMath trademarks go to www.heartmath.com/trademarks

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