Hi, I'm Adam
- Real Estate Law
- Real Estate Litigation
- Real Estate Closings- my companies closed billions of dollars of real estate in Florida
- Condo Law
- Condo Board Representation
- Family Law
- Guardianships
- Business Litigation
- Business Law
- Commercial Real Estate
- Commercial Real Estate Closings
- Contract Law and Litigation
- Wills, Trusts and Estates
- Probate
- I also represented lenders and banks in their residential and commercial closings
My Classes and Videos
I have dedicated the rest of my working days to assisting lawyers, law firms, bar associations and small business. Information on my training and free video series can be found below.
How can lawyers live a balanced life and reduce their stress? Esquire Academy is a labor lot love for me, since the first 10 years of my law practice was almost unbearable. Check out the free videos series I created on how to look at stress and anxiety differently. What would it be like to have little to no stress in your life? It is possible!
Why are you clients so shitty? I wondered this many years ago and created online training on how I was able to attract and find my ideal clients who became raving fans. In this very powerful training I teach how to automate, systematize and set your law practice up to run without you. I used this very information to go from working 12 hour days to 4 hours or less per work day. Let me show you the way! More info HERE.
Get Connected- Networking for the 21st Century
How to connect with anyone anywhere and bring them into your network!
Ever wanted to open your own law firm or your own business? Here is where you should start. Free mini class and downloads to help you begin on your path to being your own boss. More info HERE.
Did you know you heart has upwards of 40,000 neural (brain) cells that make it up? The heart is key to more energy, resilience, and coherence. Learn more on my Heartmath page. Every lawyer needs this training!